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The following is the Membership Agreement between the sponsoring organization (“We and Us”) and the person who has enrolled in the savbuy program (“You”). All persons subscribing, “Members,” agree to be bound by these terms of Membership and are urged to read them carefully. If you have any questions regarding your Membership, You may contact our customer service center 24 hours a day at the toll-free number listed on your Membership Card and on this website.

Membership terms

Your Membership is effective immediately upon enrollment by You and shall continue for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase or until terminated by You at any time by calling Us at the toll-free number listed on your membership card and on this website.

Payment of membership fee

The payment of your Membership Fee i.e $19.95 for 90 days unlimited access* is charged to the specified billing vehicle authorized by you. You may cancel your membership anytime by calling the toll free number on our website. Please note that renewal of this membership is NOT automatic. You (the customer) will have to call into our customer service number if you wish to renew your membership to this service after 12 months. We will not auto rebill you for any amount without a specific request from you.

Use of membership

Your Membership is non-assignable and non-transferable. You agree that only You and your immediate family members may use the Membership. The term “Immediate Family” shall be defined as You, your spouse, your children and parents whose legal address is the same as yours. You shall be responsible for all use of your Membership and will promptly notify us if You become aware of any unauthorized use of your Membership.

Disclaimer of liability

Savbuy, their Providers and/or the sponsor, do not guarantee, nor are responsible for, the quality of products or services provided by any independent vendors. savbuy, their Providers and the sponsor are making no representations with respect to those matters. In the event any benefit is deemed unsatisfactory to the Member, the Member will look solely to the provider of the product or service for rectification. Accordingly, savbuy, their Providers and the sponsor make no warranty, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of Membership Services or products obtained by a Member. All warranties, expressed or implied, are the responsibility of the manufacturer or independent vendor. Our liability shall not exceed your current Membership Fee and under no circumstances shall we be liable for incidental, consequential or exemplary damages. savbuy may revoke, repossess, modify or cancel the services at any time. Use of the Membership is governed by the conditions set forth herein when issued and retained, and any use of this Membership constitutes acceptance thereof.

Entire agreement

This Agreement contains all of the terms and conditions of Membership and no representations, inducements, promises or agreements concerning the Membership not included in this agreement shall be effective or enforceable. If any of the terms of this Agreement shall become invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms shall not be effected.

Reservation of rights

We reserve the right to eliminate, add, change, and substitute benefits and participating vendors without notice to You. We further reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of this agreement and any Membership policies at any time without notice.

Governing law

This Agreement and the terms of the Membership shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced exclusively according to the laws of the state of New Jersey. For any disputes regarding this agreement you irrevocably consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue before any federal or state court residing only in New Jersey to whose personal jurisdiction You agree to submit. However, nothing in this agreement is intended or shall be construed to negate or otherwise affect the consumer protection laws of the state in which You reside.

Refunds Policy:


Cancellation Policy:

If you want to cancel the subscription, call our Customer Service on 1-866-736-6116 (Monday to Friday 9Am to 6 PM EST) or mail us at service@savbuy.com.

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